Azure Capacity issues

These are truly difficult times, I thought I would start a series of blog posts about Azure Sentinel. This was going to take some effort getting a good volume of logs generated so I decided to use my MSDN account and associated credits to house the Log analytics workspace and create a free account to generate the actual log data from free resources. All went well at the start, however when I went to create some resources I was not able to, it turns out there is a major capacity issue wit Azure and as such you are unable to create any resources in a free account. The biggest issue is the error message is not that good, ‘This location is not available for subscription’, is very vague and does not provide much detail.

This availability issue will have some major issues for both companies trying to make any move to the cloud at this time, which would have been a great opportunity to do this with reduced workloads. But it will also have a knock-on effect for the great many people who are looking to either gain new skills or enhance there current ones. Apparently, Microsoft are working to ‘significantly’ increase their capacity, but will this be implemented in time? All we can do is keep an eye on the Microsoft blog posts ( and hope something changes soon.